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Kali tutorials

Home Install Kali   Hack With Kali   Video tutorials Menu Home Install Kali ? Really Nice Guide: Must read ? Okayish guides: May not read xD ?? Install Kali in VMWare ?? USB Install (Kali Installation is not our speciality, read up multiple website and watch youtube videos for installation. Come back here for hacking tutorials though, because we are good at those) ?? Dual Boot (Kali Installation is not our speciality, and you should refer to many sources to avoid doing a bad install and losing data on your primary OS) ?? Kali Resources Hack With Kali ? Wifi Hacking ?? Wireless Hacking Basics - Nice theory post you can read whenever you like, posts below should be read in top to bottom order though ?? Hack Your Easy First Wifi -Hack WEP : Naive method ?? Hack Your Easy First Wifi Again - Hack WEP : Faster, smarter and more complicated method (ARP replay) ?? Hack Your Tough Second Wifi - Use reaver : Hack WPA 'with WPS'

Everything You Need to Know About the Amazon Affiliate Program

Everything You Need to Know About the Amazon Affiliate Program The Amazon affiliate program, also called "Amazon Associates" can be an easy way to monetize your website or blog. Simply sign up, receive immediate approval, and place Amazon affiliate links on your site today. When someone makes an Amazon purchase via one of your links, you get the commission -- it's that simple. Download Now: Free Business Plan Template But how do you get started? Below, you'll find a step-by-step guide to becoming an Amazon Affiliate, with screenshots. Whether you're an aspiring  entrepreneur ,  starting your own business , or just looking for a  small business side hustle, I hope you'll find this guide a helpful place to start. What is the Amazon Affiliate Program? The Amazon Affiliate  program , or  Amazon Associates , is an affiliate marketing program.  It's free for website owners and bloggers to become Amazon Associates. They advertise

HOW TO Exploring Kali Linux Alternatives: Getting Started with Pentoo for Advanced Software Installations

Kali Linux  is probably the most well-known hacking distribution among penetration testers. However, there are alternative distros which offer versatility and advanced package management systems that are absolutely worth considering. One such distribution is  Pentoo , a  Gentoo-based operating system  created by  Grimmlin  and maintained by  Zero_Chaos , a seasoned developer and  penetration tester , as well as  Anton Bolshakov . Before we get to explaining Pentoo itself, it's necessary to talk about the underlying Gentoo OS first. What Is Gentoo? Gentoo is Linux distribution centered around compiling packages from source. If you've installed software in this way, you know it can be incredibly  time-consuming to compile  just one application. Don't Miss:  Get Started with BlackArch, a Powerful Pentesting Distro While it might seem counter-productive for a penetration tester who needs new software in the middle of a CTF or red team engagement to compile a packag